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Comments for: Create A Flash Presentation For Free With Open Office
by Sonny on 09/07/2016 3:51 AM   Message # 1100499
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by Jasmine on 09/07/2016 3:51 AM   Message # 1100498
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</a> @loyalsys &#8211; you may want to check your facts further before making the statements you made like &#8220;warlike actions taken against unarmed protesters&#8221;. Do you really believe that an army would fire upon unarmed fellow Egyptians ? News from Egypt says that these were far from unarmed protesters and those that were unarmed were used by the MB fanatics as shields to keep the army from shooting back at them. This is a far more believable story than the Western media portraying the &#8220;protesters& ;#8221; as innocent victims. This is the same media that calls Al Quaeda linked terrorists as &#8220;rebels&#82 21; in Syria.
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by Riley on 09/07/2016 3:51 AM   Message # 1100497
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by Wesley on 09/07/2016 3:51 AM   Message # 1100496
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by Nathaniel on 09/07/2016 3:51 AM   Message # 1100494
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by Jamey on 09/07/2016 3:51 AM   Message # 1100493
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