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by Junior on 11/05/2019 11:14 AM   Message # 2295939
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by Alexandra on 11/05/2019 11:14 AM   Message # 2295938
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by Andreas on 11/05/2019 11:14 AM   Message # 2295937
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by Randy on 11/05/2019 11:14 AM   Message # 2295934
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The legendary Hercules managed to fight-off gods, half-gods and evil warlords all while maintaining his chiseled-bod and manly good looks. Like 'Xena's' Lucy Lawless, Kevin Sorbo's post-Hercules work was mostly action flick fare including a direct to video sequel to 'Walking Tall,' an appearance in the spoof, 'Meet the Spartans', and various guest roles on TV shows like, 'The OC' and 'Two and a Half Men.'
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