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Todd Cowle & Ultimate Tier Advisors Ltd Announces Municipal Bonds Info
by Nesesweli on 03/16/2010 7:41 PM   Message # 510358
Todd Cowle Municipal Bond Credit Report synthesizes, analyzes and presents aggregate credit information and trends in the municipal bond market. The report includes municipal bond rating information from the three major rating agencies – Moody’s Investor Services, Standard and Poor’s and Fitch Ratings.
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Dr. Beryl Zyskind Donates over $500k to Kids Cancer Treatment
by ethingert on 03/15/2010 1:41 AM   Message # 509761
[url=http://www.google.co m/relief/haitiearthquake/ ][img]http://haitifeed.fi les.wordpress.com/2010/01 /2-haiti-earthquake-jan-1 2-2009.jpeg[/img][/url]

Floods & Earthquakes can happen.

Seeing is believing - so please don't be blind. Can you agree to help these people?

Please Help the adolecents!
http://www.google.com/rel ief/haitiearthquake/
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Green Energy Products WATER4GASDVD.COM Affordable Renewable Energies
by TawsPyday on 03/13/2010 1:10 PM   Message # 509175
After years of research and development, Ozzie and his staff discovered how to safely use 100-year-old technology - technology that had been suppressed and misunderstood - to create hydrogen from water. Starting in a small apartment in Studio City, CA, Water4Gas began demonstrating this powerful technology to local residents and friends. The business developed into a small manufacturer of home-made Water4Gas conversion systems, but demand became so heavy that Ozzie realized he must do more to expand this technology. He decided to phase out of product production in order to teach the world of his findings.

As demand grew, so did the need for this technology. With fuel prices topping an astounding $5 per gallon in the US in mid 2008, Water4Gas took their message to the media with national radio shows, TV news reports and demonstration events occurring in many cities all over the country.

As you read this page, we have grown into a massive global movement, leading the entire water-fuel industry.

NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.]
In their Technical Note Report E-9105 from May 1977, NASA says:
"Adding hydrogen to gasoline significantly increased flame speed and allows for a leaner air-fuel ratio. All emissions levels decreased at these leaner conditions. ...significantly increased flame speed and allows for a leaner air/fuel ratio. All emissions levels decreased at these leaner conditions."

•...showed a potential for very low pollutant emissions with increased energy efficiency. [Feb.81]

[b]Visit Our Site[/b]

Our Mission
To lead the Water-Fuel Movement to educate the world on vital alternatives to costly and harmful fossil fuels, while offering lucrative business opportunities and a valuable game for all to play.
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Green Enegry Technology WATER4GAS.COM

[url=http://moving22.blog spot.com/]
Local Mover [/url]

http://pcrepair3.blog.com /2010/02/16/los-angeles-l aptop-repair-hire-1-323-6 55-7326/
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Is there any method to making money sportsbetting?
by wooraelunnili on 03/10/2010 7:29 AM   Message # 507936
[URL=http://www.dailyspor tscash.com][IMG]http://ww w.sportsbettingchamp.com/ images/sbacct1.jpg[/IMG][ /URL]


I've been a visitor of this discussion board for a long time now but finally got around to registering to the forum!!

A couple of days ago, I read post here about methods to sportsbetting.

For some reason I can't seem to find the original discussion thread is at, but I decided to comment and say that DailySportsCash.com [url=http://www.dailyspor tscash.com]Sports Book[/URL] site is the best out of all the options mentioned. :)
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www.Call4Peace.com Offshore B2B Lead Generation 917.484.6430
by undosaurn on 03/09/2010 8:58 AM   Message # 507577
<b>contact center</b>

A contact center (also referred to as a customer interaction center or e-contact center) is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are managed. The contact center typically includes one or more online call centers but may include other types of customer contact as well, including e-mail newsletters, postal mail catalogs, Web site inquiries and chats, and the collection of information from customers during in-store purchasing. A contact center is generally part of an enterprise's overall customer relationship management (CRM).

A contact center would typically be provided with special software that would allow contact information to be routed to appropriate people, contacts to be tracked, and data to be gathered. A contact center is considered to be an important element in multichannel marketing.

<b>call center</b>

A call center is a physical place where customer and other telephone calls are handled by an organization, usually with some amount of computer automation. Typically, a call center has the ability to handle a considerable volume of calls at the same time, to screen calls and forward them to someone qualified to handle them, and to log calls. Call centers are used by mail-order catalog organizations, telemarketing companies, computer product help desks, and any large organization that uses the telephone to sell or service products and services. Two related terms are virtual call center and contact center.

Call4Peace Worldwide was founded in 2000 and is a premier global provider of contact center and business process outsourcing solutions.
With over 12 production and sales centers all around the world, Call4Peace Worldwide serves as a contact service company offering the very highest quality services, with Great Prices.

Call4Peace Worldwide is a leading provider of innovative human resource products and services created to assist call centers improve their revenues, profits and other key operating metrics through improved talent acquisition & deployment; talent development; talent benchmarking & certification; and talent affirmation & differentiation.

Call4Peace Worldwide has been a global leader in Contact Center solutions for over 10 years, our solutions are used by 44 companies in 20 countries around the world, processing millions of calls each and every day.

Call4Peace Worldwide Contact Center solutions are highly reliable, easy to use, and provide multiple customer configurable applications on a single platform. Standard applications include: Call Processing, Auto Attendant, Basic ACD Announcements and customizable Music-on-Hold.
Many customers have selected Call4Peace Worldwide to help resolve two important Contact Center challenges:
We employ the power of team and the spirit of innovation to provide our clients with flexible applications and speed to market and this winning combination has fueled our rapid growth. Synergy Solutions offers inbound and outbound live agent call center solutions from seven U.S. facilities including full bi-lingual Spanish and French capabilities as well as access to over 4000 seats in the Philippines.

<b>info@call4peace. com</b>
call us # 1.917.484.6430

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[url=http://www.call4peac e.com/blog] Tel Aviv Outbound Telemarketing services
Outbound Telesales [/url]
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Philanthropist Cowle Todd Donates $1.2 Million to Haiti Earthquake
by ImingeMigbibe on 03/08/2010 7:08 AM   Message # 507264
[url=http://www.salvation army.org][img]http://zimm erinteractive.com/childre nsmiracle/wp-content/uplo ads/2008/09/childrens-hos pital-image.jpg[/img][/ur l]

Large companies and private folk are donating to help others. Are you doing anything to help?

[b]Pick a charity and Give![/b]
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hotels.com for hotels - http://www.tripcart.com/ for fun things to do?
by glannaElabs on 03/05/2010 8:11 AM   Message # 506412
Hi Vacationer
May is the season for a visit to the [URL=http://www.tripcart. com/usa-regions/New-York- City.aspx]New York City Tourist Attractions[/URL] or for a [URL=http://www.tripcart. com/usa-regions/Central-C alifornia-Coast.aspx] California Road Trip Getaway[/URL].Can't decide which coast- I lived in San Diego, so why not - so, I am considering [URL=http://www.tripcart. com/usa-regions/Southern- California-Coast,Places-t o-Visit.aspx]Places To Visit In California[/URL]. Point me in the right direction.

Have a good thaw.
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Western Gulf Coast Region Scams & Complaints related to California Fires
by Wrikereemum on 03/05/2010 3:12 AM   Message # 506381
The action taken to national disaster is noble but it's a damn shame that so many citizens take advantage of the negative situations.

I mean everytime there is an earthquake, a flood, an oil spill - there's always a group of heartless people who rip off tax payers.

This is in response to reading that 4 of Oprah Winfreys "angels" got busted ripping off the system. Shame on them!
http://www.cbsnews.com/bl ogs/2009/08/19/crimesider /entry5251471.shtml
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Businessman Beryl Zyskind Donates Half a Million USD to Children's Hospital
by navenohooniam on 03/01/2010 5:53 AM   Message # 505726
<a href=http://www.google.co m/relief/haitiearthquake/ ><img>http://www .essence.com/images/mt/ha iti-earthquake.jpg</im g></a>

Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Floods belong to nature - but kindness belongs to humans.

Sometimes seeing really is believing - so please don't be blind. Can you agree to help these people?

Help the adolecents!
http://www.google.com/rel ief/haitiearthquake/
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Gulf Western Coast Regional Scam & Complaints related to California Fires
by exespahesopsy on 02/28/2010 5:45 AM   Message # 505585
The response to national disaster is awesome but it's a real shame that so many citizens take advantage of the sad situations.

I mean everytime there is an earthquake, a flood, an oil spill - there's always a group of heartless people who rip off tax payers.

This is in response to reading that 4 of Oprah Winfreys "angels" got busted ripping off the system. Shame on them!
http://www.cbsnews.com/bl ogs/2009/08/19/crimesider /entry5251471.shtml
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