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jlo accaunt ugjaka
Áåññòûäíûå êóêîëêè íå ëþáÿò ñåêñà â ïðåçåðâàòèâå, ïîòîìó ÷òî èõ èíòåðåñóåò òîëüêî ñïåðìà è êàê ìîæíî áîëüøå.
I am getting more and more worried about the economy and global meltdown.
The more things change the more they remain the same. The fundamental challenges we face today have changed little since Chaucer penned his observations on life and distilled them in a set of tales. In the modern city of Canterbury University Students analyse and dissect the meanings conveyed in texts set in that very locale in the 1300’s.
Youngsters face today’s Jekyll and Hyde society not knowing that the Constants remain; love, betrayal, desire, fear. Each story conveys a lesson as we study for our degree in the University of Life, the big diploma mill of which we are all Alumni. We sit grinning like Cheshire cats, thinking we have all the answers.
We call it a success when we pollute our atmosphere shooting down our own Satellite USA 193, Market Street Credibility is our preferred accreditation and recognition from our peers and fellow consumers, we Poison our Planet for Profit. Banks have crashed before and remember – you can’t eat money.
Globalization has consequences. Everything we do has consequences, even something simple like buying firewood. The Oregon ODA advises not to obtain anything from out-of-state because of all the insects and diseases it might carry. That is just a relatively local issue. Imagine all the things that are carried around the world each day – each hour. We must protect our future, just as we should remember our past. All over the world, From the UK to the USA and the Seychelles to Egypt, still, yes, STILL, there is no REAL alternative to fossil fuels.
Are we all going to purgatory in a wheelbarrow telling each other stories to pass the time? Sometimes I wonder!
Sorry guys, I had a long day and feel sick of the world. Rant Over!
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