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by Jasper on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129826
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by Judson on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129825
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by Wilford on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129824
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by Marion on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129823
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by Jerrod on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129822
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by Jessica on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129821
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by Donovan on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129820
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by Clinton on 09/11/2016 9:38 AM   Message # 1129819
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by Geraldo on 09/11/2016 9:30 AM   Message # 1129796
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</a> (Phys.org) â??ESO's Very Large Telescope has captured an intriguing star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloudâ??one of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies. This sharp image reveals two distinctive ...
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by Wilfredo on 09/11/2016 9:30 AM   Message # 1129795
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