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by Vanessa on 09/07/2016 4:38 PM   Message # 1107251
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by Arturo on 09/07/2016 4:38 PM   Message # 1107249
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by Sterling on 09/07/2016 4:38 PM   Message # 1107248
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by Valeria on 09/07/2016 4:38 PM   Message # 1107247
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by Garret on 09/07/2016 4:38 PM   Message # 1107246
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by Federico on 09/07/2016 4:38 PM   Message # 1107245
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by Lenard on 09/07/2016 1:10 PM   Message # 1105140
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by Alvaro on 09/07/2016 1:10 PM   Message # 1105139
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</a> â??The challenge is how do we harmonize the differing world demands,â? said Mercedes USAâ??s Canon. In fact, there may be more similarities between the U.S. and China than what American and European motorists desire. The big difference is that Chinese luxury car buyers tend to prefer being chauffeured, so, â??We designed the front of the car for the U.S. and the rear for China,â? he laughs.
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by Reginald on 09/07/2016 1:10 PM   Message # 1105138
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