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"I have not been provided any information from CMS on whether the hub would operate" in the event of a government shutdown, said Rocky King, executive director of Cover Oregon, that state's Obamacare marketplace.
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by Domenic on 04/30/2021 11:11 AM   Message # 3237349
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And the same, I believe, applies to the Danish pastry. I’m not convinced its origins are actually in Denmark. The laminated dough that is its basis started off in Vienna, not Copenhagen, and it is said that what we now call Danish pastries were introduced to Denmark by Austrian bakers in the 1850s. They had gone there because there was a strike by Danish bread makers. And indeed, in Denmark itself, what we know as a classic Danish pastry is usually referred to as a “wienerbrød&am p;rdquo; – or “Viennese&r dquo;.
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by Norris on 04/30/2021 11:11 AM   Message # 3237348
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by Marcos on 04/30/2021 11:11 AM   Message # 3237347
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by Ulysses on 04/30/2021 11:11 AM   Message # 3237346
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