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Toshiba said it would increase outsourced production to 70percent from 40 percent and reduce its global staff in thedivision by 3,000, with two-thirds of those positions overseas.In July it said it would move 400 staff, included in thatfigure, to other business units.
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Blackberry has struggled of late to keep pace with Apple and products running Google's Android operating system. Globally it now also lags behind Microsoft's Windows Phone ecosystem in terms of sales.
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by Terrance on 04/30/2021 5:15 PM   Message # 3237794
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Other Treasury bills that mature outside of this time frame,meanwhile, have seen their yields drop to zero and, in manycases turned negative, as investors fret that the Treasury willhave to slash its debt sales to stay under the debt ceiling. Asa result, investors are paying the government to lend to them.
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by Charlie on 04/30/2021 5:15 PM   Message # 3237793
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Three days after the election, former prime minister SaliBerisha - one of the dominant figures of Albanian politics formore than two decades - conceded defeat, ending fears of a messyhandover of power. The move was seen as a sign of growingdemocratic maturity in the Adriatic state.
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