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by Sierra on 04/30/2021 3:15 PM   Message # 3237653
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Those who praise Rex, and rightfully so, say that he must be a terrific head coach, come on, he went to two straight championship games with Sanchez as his quarterback. Not only did Rex Ryanâ??s Jets do that, but they won road playoff games against Brady and Peyton Manning along the way. But those who have watched him arrive at this kind of put-up-or-shut-up moment in his career â?? while maybe not the shut-up part â?? wonder if over these past few years Ryan became more interested in being a colorful celebrity than being the guy who wasnâ??t going to kiss Belichickâ??s rings.
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by Dannie on 04/30/2021 3:15 PM   Message # 3237652
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by Flyman on 04/30/2021 3:15 PM   Message # 3237651
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by Daniel on 04/30/2021 3:15 PM   Message # 3237650
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by Mike on 04/30/2021 3:15 PM   Message # 3237649
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by Doyle on 04/30/2021 3:10 PM   Message # 3237643
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by Major on 04/30/2021 3:10 PM   Message # 3237642
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by Garland on 04/30/2021 3:10 PM   Message # 3237641
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by Stephanie on 04/30/2021 3:10 PM   Message # 3237640
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by Sherman on 04/30/2021 3:10 PM   Message # 3237639
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