"making money online "(MMO) the internet search engine statistics shows that words with this aim has been searched for many times next only to traditional key words like sex. etc .
the internet is full of online money making opportunities many of them are just plain fake and scam, so this article is written with aim to tell the first time scrawler on the web looking for money making opportunities the 6 important things to look for when selecting the opportunity he likes.
types of making money online opportunities(M M O )
1 . casinos, lottery etc.
2 . mlm , affilate etc.
3. pyramid programs
So these are the usual MMO that are available online to date.
before chosing any of these that is before giving your credit card number to any of the sites
1.read carefully the program that is offered
2. check the online presence of the company that offers that ( market experience )
3. look for legitimate Seal of any of international online organisations if any